Weather in Key West in November 2018

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Other Data All data relating to the Sun's position e. For the purposes of this report, the geographical coordinates of Key West are 24. For reference, on June 20, the cloudiest day of the year, the chance of overcast or mostly cloudy conditions is 70%, while on March 6, the clearest day of the year, the chance of clear, mostly clear, or partly cloudy skies is 73%. The average sea temperature in and around Key West in November is 26°C 79°F.

Consider Key West in November. Humidity 76 % November average humidity The relative humidity in Key West during November usually peaks at 82 percent in the morning then drops to 69 percent by early afternoon. Sunlight in November at Key West lasts for 10 hours and 57 minutes a day on average.

Temperature - Precipitation - Sunshine - Snowfall - The temperature and precipitation numbers are 1981-2010 normals while the humidity and thunderstorm statistics are 1961-1990 normals. The named storm probabilities come from the Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory,.

The numbers here are historical averages based on climate data gathered at the Key West International Airport, located on Key West Island. Temperature 80 °F November average high 27 °C 72 °F November average low 22 °C In most years, Key West averages a daily maximum temperature for November that's between 78 and 82 degrees Fahrenheit 26 to 28 degrees Celsius. The minimum temperature usually falls between 70 and 74 °F 21 to 23 °C. The days at Key West cool quickly during November. By the end of the month, the temperature has dropped around 4 °F 2 °C below what it was at the start. Temperatures above 90 °F 32 °C are not expected here this month. In some years the thermometer does dip to 60 °F 16 °C or below. But November does not normally get as cold as 50 °F 10 °C. One in four years has drier weather, while another one in four is wetter. Sun 71 % sunshine 10 days clear skies The sun's rays reach the ground in Key West during 71 percent of daylight hours on average in November, for a total of 234 hours in the month. Typically on 10 days this month the sky is mainly clear, with at most 30 percent cloud cover. Sunlight in November at Key West lasts for 10 hours and 57 minutes a day on average. The longest day of the month is the 1st with 11 hours and 13 minutes of daylight. By the end of the month, the days have shortened to 10:44 from sunrise to sunset. These durations can vary by a minute or two from year to year. Humidity 76 % November average humidity The relative humidity in Key West during November usually peaks at 82 percent in the morning then drops to 69 percent by early afternoon. Storms 1 day rainfall of 0. Major hurricanes are unlikely this time of year. Reference These weather data are long-term historical averages provided by the of the United States. The temperature and precipitation numbers are 1981-2010 normals while the humidity and thunderstorm statistics are 1961-1990 normals. The named storm probabilities come from the Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory,.


Races take place November 6, 8, and 10 in the Key West Harbor. Elevation data comes from key west november weatherpublished by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. This section reports on the wide-area average surface temperature of that water. In this report, we use a base of 50°F and a cap of 86°F. In Key West, the chance of a wet day over the course of November is very rapidly decreasing, starting the month at 25% and ending it at 15%. Sunlight in November at Key West lasts for 10 hours and 57 minutes a day on average. A wet day is one with at least 0.